The People Speak: Constitution Reading
Nearly a year ago, a large group of more than 40 community members came together in the studio to read the United States Constitution. Looking back, that feels like it was during a whole different era, one in which larger gatherings were OK, before the COVID-19 pandemic rocked our world and physical distancing became the norm. Spearheaded by Cavendish resident and former Okemo Valley TV Board member Wendy Regier, the concept went like this: each person reads a short section on camera, and then the station’s staff would edit it together as one cohesive piece, called “The People Speak”. When the editing was completed, a screening would be held in the studio for all who participated, and then it would be released to the world.
“It seemed an oral reading (of the Constitution) might generate a more careful look at what is truly written as well as thoughtful discussions of what it means to live in a democratic republic, for the people and by the people," said Regier.
Well, it's become clear that an in-person screening is not going to happen anytime soon. But in the interest of getting it “out there” for people to see, Okemo Valley TV will instead premiere “The People Speak” on our community access TV channel (Comcast 1076 & VTel 166) and You Tube channel on Tuesday, October 27th at 7PM, one week prior to Election Day. It will continue to televise periodically through November and will also be available for viewing here on the website.
This special program nicely augments all of our election-oriented programming, at a time when people are really thinking about voting and democracy. Our Education & Government channel (Comcast 1086 & VTel 167) is ripe with programs featuring local and statewide candidates, including candidate statements being recorded in Okemo Valley TV’s studio, as well as candidate forums and debates for statewide office. All of the election programs are also available to watch here on the website (you can view the entire collection of election programming here).