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Patrick's blog

Now Streaming BOTH Channels 24/7

Mon, 04/04/2022 - 20:46 -- Patrick

Don't have cable TV but want to "tune in" to Okemo Valley TV? Now you can watch online. Last year, we began streaming the Community channel 24/7 (which is seen on Comcast 1076 & VTEL 166). And now, we've launched the 24/7 streaming of the Education & Government channel (as seen on Comcast 1086 & VTEL 167). Thanks to Ms. Wilson's IT class at River Valley Technical Center IT class, and especially senior Riley. Ward for building the server!

Town Meeting Coverage

Sun, 02/27/2022 - 22:59 -- Patrick

Our annual Town Meeting coverage has begun; we are covering five annual Town Meetings and 2 annual School District meetings. This year, as local Towns are transitioning back to normalcy with their Town Meeting formats, there are some deviations from the norm. Traditionally, Town Meeting Day in Vermont is the 1st Tuesday in March (which is March 1st this year). However, due to the ongoing recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, the Legislature has once again made an allowance for Towns to postpone their dates if they wish to do so. Of the Towns we cover, both Cavendish & Ludlow have decided to do this.  And none of the 5 that we cover are holding voting from the floor; instead, voting will be done by Australian Ballot in each Town. So, the meetings themselves are informational meetings only. All of them are being held as "hybrids"; that is, having both in-person and remote participation. We have been supporting the Town government bodies with the AV services for hybrid meetings for well over a year now... and we have the workflow & technology down.

We are televising all of the annual Town Meetings live (check for schedules)  and will also be streaming them live on our You Tube channel.

Our Annual Meeting coverage is as follows (links to the video recordings are provided for those that are available) : 

 - Ludlow-Mt. Holly Unified Union School District (2/22)

- Green Mountain Unified School District (2/24)

- Andover Town Info. Meeting (2/25)

- Plymouth Town Info. Meeting (2/28)

- Mt. Holly Town Info. Meeting (2/28)

- Ludlow Village Info. Meeting (3/21)

- Ludlow Village Annual Meeting & Vote (3/22)

- Cavendish Town Info. Meeting (3/28)

- Ludlow Town Info. Meeting (4/4)

Legislative Roundtable Feb. 21st

Fri, 02/11/2022 - 23:25 -- Patrick

We are partnering with the Okemo Valley Regional Chamber of Commerce in hosting their Legislative Roundtable, which takes place Mon. February 21st. Sponsored by the Chamber, the focus is on business & economic issues, and will be attended by local State Representatives and the Windsor County Senators. It will be hosted from the studio with legislators & attendees participating remotely, via Zoom. 

More more info. & to register, go to the Chamber's website here.

We're Hiring

Fri, 02/11/2022 - 12:55 -- Patrick

We are busy with all of the coverage of local programming, and need some additional help. For starters, we're looking to hire a part-time Field Producer, who would be responsible for covering local government meetings & community events. This would include shooting & editing. Strong technical aptitude, access to reliable transportation, excellent communication skills, and the ability to work independently are required. Experience in TV / video / media production is desired. The hours fluctuate from week to week, but it is an average of approximately 10 hours per week, mostly weeknights, with an opportunity to pick up some additional daytime and weekend hours. There is also the opportunity for this position to grow into something more, as our station grows and evolves. We are looking to fill this as soon as possible. Please send any inquiries or requests for an application to Executive Director Patrick Cody via email.

Ask Your Legislator!

Wed, 02/02/2022 - 15:14 -- Patrick

We have been inviting local legislators from our region to come on and provide updates during the legislative session, which we record, televise, and distribute online. And so far, we've been recording weekly updates with State Rep. Charlie Kimbell (Plymouth-Reading-Woodstock).  We'd like to get the people involved. So for those of you in Woodstock, Plymouth, or Reading: do you have a question for Rep. Kimbell? Email it to us and we'll get your question answered.

See the latest update from him here:

You can find all of the updates with Rep. Kimbell on this website, here.

Now Also on Roku & Apple TV

Wed, 11/17/2021 - 09:02 -- Patrick

Do you have Roku or Apple TV? Local programming on demand on Okemo Valley TV is now available over the Cablecast Screenweave streaming app on both Roku & Apple TV. The app is free to download - just search for "Cablecast Screenweave".

Here are direct links:
On Apple TV
On Roku

This is in addition to all of the other ways to view programming...


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