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Now Streaming Community Channel 24/7

Tue, 06/08/2021 - 10:07 -- Patrick

We are known for our local cable TV channels, but for many years, we have have made local programming available for online viewing as well. Beginning in 2007, we've offered video-on-demand on this very website. And in recent years, we've developed more of an online presence by offering that same programming on our You Tube channel. During the last year, we have added live streaming to our You Tube channel for some programs.. And now, we have made another ibig leap - we have begun streaming the Community Channel 24/7.  (coming soon, we'll also be streaming the Education & Gov't channel as well)

What this means is that the entire channel - the same one that plays on Comcast channel 1076 & VTel channel 166 - is playing online.  

So, do you want to "tune in" but don't have cable TV? Now you can! And you can always get up-to-date schedule information on the channel here, to find out what's playing. 

   Let us know what you think!